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Healthy drinks

Strawberry Milk Sherbet


JULY 12, 2024
Strawberry Milk Sherbet
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Serving Size: 350mL (12oz)
Calories: 108(329) kcal kcal

Strawberry Milk Sherbet is a charming, new treat that combines the normal compassion of light accompanying the creamy makeup of milk and dissolved milk toppings. This natural still delicious cake is perfect for a vehement vacation epoch or as a healthy, depressed-calorie alternative for fulfilling a fondness for sweets. With just a few elements, you can constitute a smooth, cold sherbet that’s appetizing and foods.

Health benefits

  • Strawberries are rich in source of nourishment C, texture, and antioxidants, which help boost the invulnerable method, enhance skin health, and care for against ischemic heart disease.
  • Milk supplies calcium, source of nourishment D, and protein, essential for bone well-being and influence function.
  • Almonds are a excellent source of healthful grease, protein, and texture, which help support courage strength and maintain you impression full lengthier.


  • 300g frozen strawberries
  • 50g milk
  • 50g evaporated milk (topping)
  • 10g sliced almonds (topping)


  1. Start by defrosting the stopped light for about 5 record. This softens ruling class lightly, making ruling class smooth to blend and guaranteeing a smooth, buttery constancy in the sherbet.
  2. Place the defrosted light and milk into a appliance for preparing food or blender. Blend as far as smooth, sporadically staying to scrape unhappy the parts of the appliance for preparing food to guarantee all the light are equally pureed.
  3. Pour the light combination into a portion bowl. If the constancy is also dense, you can add some more milk to obtain your asked composition.
  4. Top the light frozen dessert accompanying dissolved milk and cleaved almonds. The dissolved milk increases a rich, buttery flavor, while the almonds specify a likable crunch and supplementary foods.
  5. Serve the frozen dessert promptly while it's still cold and creamy. For a firmer makeup, place the frozen dessert back in the icebox for 10-15 summary before portion.


  • To realize highest in rank texture, use narrow light, as they blend more surely and design a smoother frozen dessert.
  • For additional flavor, meddle different frozen crops like blueberries or raspberries, or adjoin a splash of unadorned extract.
  • If you prefer a more delicious frozen dessert, deem increasing a tablespoon of honey or agave molasses before integrating the light.
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