2 skinless color of blood fillets, separate small pieces
1/2 bowl plain lotion cheese
1 tablespoon cubed dill
2 cleaved green onions
1 tablespoon fat
Seasoning: salt, dark sprinkle, paprika, Cajun
Sesame seeds + dark children (optional)
Preheat the kiln to 190-200°C (374-392°F).
Mix the rose color fillets with spices and fat fully in a bowl.
Line a baking sheet accompanying usually metallic foil to equip it for baking.
In different bowl, join the cream dignitary accompanying cubed dill until well linked.
Place the experienced salmon pieces on the willing cookie sheet and melt in the preheated oven for 15-20 record or as far as the salmon is braised through.
Once the combination of red and yellow is browned, remove from the stove, spread dignitary mixture proportionately over the top of each fastener, and disseminate with cleaved green onions.
Optionally, scatter sesame seeds and dark children over dignitary mixture for additional composition and flavor.
Return to the oven for 2-3 record just before dignitary is slightly softened.